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ACT's 'Clothing SWAP'



Cost: FREE
Drop Off Dates: Monday
, April 3, 2023
                              Thursday, April 13, 2023

Event Date: Saturday, April 16, 2023

Time: 9:00am - 2:00pm

Address: Assateague Coastal Trust Building
10959 Worcester Highway, Berlin, MD 21811


SWAP- Sharing With A Purpose
SWAP- Saving With A Purpose (our landfills)



SWAP- Sharing With A Purpose! Or in this case- Saving With A Purpose! (our landfills) A ZERO Waste Event Effort.


It’s considered en vogue to be green—recycling, re-purposing, composting, alternative energy sources—all “buzz words” encompassing social responsibility and positive change. Even if you’ve managed to skirt the movement—perhaps recycling doesn’t always make it to the curb, or alternative energy sources are simply not in your budget, then this event may be for you.


Assateague Coastal Trust is reinventing the wheel, a program they spearheaded a decade ago is making a comeback. A fashionable option to being green, that comes with zero investment, and very little time, however, speaks zero-waste and sustainability at its finest. And along with zero-investment is the bonus of new threads!
The 4th ACT ‘SWAP it Out’ Clothing Circulation Day hosted by ACT. If you wish to SWAP items, the deadline for registration is April 10th.


The concept behind the SWAP is simple—take the unused, unworn items that no longer have use from your personal closet, register to schedule your drop-off, and attend the SWAP event. You will be able to exchange for belongings that aren’t exactly new but new to you. How kewl is that! At SWAP, items of equal quality are exchanged and it’s a win-win situation. Closets get condensed, new merchandise replaces the vacancies—all at no additional cost! Most importantly, you have officially contributed to a NO-waste effort. No dying threads are filling up the landfills creating more waste and yet another step to ZERO WASTE!


Items accepted for the SWAP include men’s, women’s clothing, (all sizes are welcome) shoes, and accessories. (belts, purses, but no intimate items please, such as bathing suits, undergarments or socks) We ask that you choose clothing that would normally be consigned or lent to a friend. It’s important that all items must be freshly laundered, on hangers (if applicable), and in very good condition. Treat this as an experience amongst friends, neighbors and community members that will be in attendance. Respect them by bringing quality items that are not ripped, stained, or unwearable, (broken zippers, missing buttons, etc.)


Invite and encourage your friends to participate in SWAP. It makes a difference in the community and provides peace of mind at home—less clutter equals a more peaceful existence, in addition to your zero-waste efforts. This is a community-oriented event, meaning that even if you do not have items to donate, you can still attend the SWAP event for a minimal fee per item as a donation to ACT (items will be assessed to those who shop outright without donating items the day of the event.)

Please register a drop off clothing date (4/3 or 4/13).

For more information, please contact Debbi Dean @ or 443.856.9309


Assateague Coastal Trust

Mailing Address
PO Box 731
Berlin, MD 21811

Office Location
10031 Old Ocean City Blvd, Unit 103
Berlin, MD 21811

Contact Us
(410) 629 1538

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