Pocomoke River Biofingerprinting Project
A collaboration between Stroud Water Research Center, Assateague Coastal Trust and ShoreRivers

The Project: Tidal River Biofingerprinting Sediment Project (TRiBS)
How far does a river’s sediment travel into the estuary after storms?
Assateague Coastal Trust is currently serving as project partner to Stroud Water Research Center for a 3 year, National Science Foundation funded project that aims to better understand sediment transport throughout the Pocomoke and Choptank Rivers.
Four stations were deployed in the Fall of 2021. ACT and Stroud built, programmed, installed, and currently maintain these logging stations that collect real-time data every 10 minutes. The data collected serves as a critical component in a sediment transport study being led by Stroud. Each station reports data in real time to MonitorMyWatershed.org, which can be accessed anytime by smart phone or computer!
A critical part of this project entails the collection of data parameters:
Water level

MayFly Data Logging Station
Check out the data stations below:
Check out the work we've collaborated on with Stroud Water Research Center HERE.